New Beginnings

Happy New Year Peeps!

I’m not a fan of the whole New Year, New Me culture, but for anyone who still follows my blog, you saw the message that I’m retiring Mami Dearest and starting fresh here! Mami Dearest no longer feels like me, it was a season of my life and that season is over. Blogging isn’t as big as it used to be with Instagram and other social media outlets taking over, but I miss writing. I miss blogging, so here I am. It’s been so long since I’ve written I almost feel I’ve lost my voice, or even how to write. When I sat down to write the sky was bright with sunshine. The sun is now setting and I’ve had to turn on the lamp to see. I’ve written and deleted this post several times. I don’t recall it ever being this hard to put thoughts to paper. I’m so out of practice. But that changes now!

The past couple of weeks I’ve been dreaming of what I’d like this new year to look like. I’m hoping with all hope that we get the coronavirus under control and can partake in some of the life joys we used to. Even if just a little. Hubby and I were homebodies before corona, but we enjoyed Friday night football games, dinners out and some traveling. Then all of it was gone! During this lockdown I’ve knit, sewn, written letters, colored, and drawn pictures. I’ve made real connections on social media with old and new friends, and just in the last two weeks I’ve made my own soap! Not that I need another creative adventure, but I loved creating the soap and have ideas for more. I honestly think I would have lost my dang mind if it weren’t for hobbies to keep my mind off the madness of this last year. But no more looking back! 2020 is done and we survived! On to 2021 and all the possibilities and new adventures it will hold! I look forward to this new space and sharing a little part of my world. I missed it. 


  1. See, you had soooo much to say! Looking forward to blogging with you in 2021! Let see where the year takes us. <3

  2. Yay! Look forward to reading more of your beautiful words! Happy new year friend! -leslie šŸ’•

  3. Yay!! You still got it Chica! Looking forward to reading your posts!


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